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Embark on a thrilling odyssey within the lawless confines of JYDGE. Step into Edenbyrg, the ever-vigilant, insomnia-stricken metropolis, and emerge victorious. JYDGE, a law-abiding yet terrifying roguehate top-down shooter, empowers you to construct your own cybernetic enforcer and wage war on crime. Customize your play experience by enhancing your JYDGE, tweaking your trusty Gavel rifle, and selecting intrepid allies to tackle the challenges ahead. Unleash your inner justice with a formidable arsenal of lead, rockets, lasers, electricity, and other lethal implements of the law. Perform daring acts of heroism to earn additional medals and unlock a treasure trove of new equipment.

Game Features

Infinite Customization: Choose from over a BILLION combinations of cybernetics, items, weapon mods, and companions to craft your unique JYDGE.

Diverse Combat: Deploy an array of deadly weaponry, including shotguns, rocket launchers, laser cannons, and electrical charges, to mete out ruthless Jystice.

Heroic Adventures: Accomplish heroic feats to earn extra medals, which can be exchanged for exclusive equipment and upgrades.

Gameplay Highlights

Dynamic Level Design: Navigate through meticulously crafted environments that dynamically evolve as you progress, presenting ever-changing challenges.

Cooperative Play: Team up with friends or AI companions to tackle the toughest foes and uncover hidden secrets within the sprawling cityscape.

Challenging Campaign: Face off against a relentless wave of enemies, each with their own unique tactics, in a quest to become the ultimate law enforcer of Edenbyrg.

包名: 暂无

备案号: 未备案


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