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"Flower Journey" is a meticulously crafted match-3 puzzle game that has garnered significant attention from players during its development phase. Its engaging gameplay has already captured the hearts of many, and it's poised to become a favorite among puzzle enthusiasts.


In "Flower Journey," the journey to victory is as beautiful as it is challenging. The game conveys a profound truth: success is hard-won, requiring courage, wisdom, faith, and a bit of luck. As you navigate through the levels, you'll encounter moments of frustration and doubt. However, with persistence and determination, you'll triumph over obstacles and look back on your path with pride. This game is more than just fun; it's a metaphor for life's trials and triumphs.


"Flower Journey" is a match-3 puzzle game that we have dedicated considerable effort to develop. During the trial phase, its engaging gameplay has already enchanted countless players. The game has not only earned their approval but also provided us with invaluable feedback. This delightful match-3 experience aims to convey the message that achieving one's goals is not easy—it demands courage, wisdom, faith, and a touch of luck. When you finally conquer the hurdles and reach your goal through diligent effort, take a moment to reflect on the journey. Did you ever waver? Did you ever consider giving up? Yet, you're grateful for the courage to overcome these challenges and surpass your past self. And here you are.

Life mirrors the game, and sometimes it's even more challenging. "Flower Journey" offers a core gameplay that combines the classic dual match-3 rules, requiring players to match both color and number. When these criteria are met, the number on the flower multiplies by 10, as does the score. Eliminated scores not only reduce the score needed to reach the goal but also contribute energy to the magical bottle. Once the bottle is full, two magical spells are activated: one grants an extra move, while the other eliminates an unwanted flower. These powers can prove invaluable during pivotal moments.

The game boasts exceptional feedback, stunning visuals, and soothing music, creating an immersive experience. "Flower Journey" is not just an entertaining match-3 elimination game; it's an extraordinary one. Give it a try, and you'll find yourself falling in love with it!

We're always open to feedback. If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to contact us at cluo85@foxmail.com. We're also excited to announce that we have adjusted the game's difficulty settings, removing the need to restart from the first level after a failure. Instead, players can now resume their challenge from the current level. Additionally, we've introduced a nurturing system, allowing players to adopt and care for their own pot plants, adding a deeper layer to the game. We've also reduced the frequency of advertisements to enhance the overall gaming experience.

包名: 暂无

备案号: 未备案


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