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软件标签 竞速 多人联机 赛车

【New Game Mode】Famous All Star - Join forces with your teammates and unleash devastating buffs to vanquish enemies as one!【New Game Mode】Starlink Action - Unite flight and racing in an exhilarating fusion! Take your competition skyward and experience the thrill of a new breed of high-octane races.【New System】Season Contract - Four esteemed car factories seek the crème de la crème of racers. Tackle all challenges for exclusive, limited-edition rewards.【Transforming Mecha】Limit Breaking - Wage war for the QS square core with transforming mecha race cars. Break through every barrier!【Romance Update】Chair System - The new chair system is now at your disposal. Sit side by side with your cherished ones in a heartfelt moment.

Game Features

Cooperative Team Play: Work in tandem with your squad to exploit powerful buffs, creating a synergistic force against formidable foes.

Aerial Racing Exclusivity: Elevate the excitement with our unique Starlink Action mode, where the sky is the limit in your pursuit of victory.

Seasonal Challenges: Engage in thrilling seasonal contracts, where the top racers from renowned factories compete for extraordinary, limited rewards.

Innovative Mecha Racing: Push the boundaries with our transforming mecha race cars, designed for breaking limits and shattering expectations.

Heartfelt Chair System: Share cherished moments with your loved ones in the new chair system, making the gaming experience even more intimate.

包名: 暂无

备案号: 未备案


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