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软件标签 高难度 弹幕 街机

Clear rate below 1.0%. Embrace the Bullet Hell shmup experience with a suite of special weapons. A premium remixed version of our classic, "Bullet Hell MondayVertical Scrolling Danmaku 2D Shooting (STG)", invites you to bite into the relentless barrage with specialized weaponry!

Important Notice: Should the game crash during the Challenge mode or Endless mode on the result screen, we recommend logging out from the Play game section on the leaderboard screen.

The challenge is immense. For those unaccustomed to the genre, we suggest starting with the more manageable ORIGINAL mode or the predecessor game, which is accessible even for beginners.

Game Highlights

Dual Weapons and Six Special Moves: Customize your playstyle with a choice of two primary weapons and a variety of special moves to deal with the incoming chaos.

Two Game Modes: Experience the thrill in Original mode for a classic Bullet Hell experience, or switch to Black mode for an even more intense challenge.

Four Difficulty Settings: Tailor the difficulty to your skill level with four distinct settings to keep the game fresh and exciting.

Replay Functionality: Relive and perfect your high scores with the replay feature.

Leaderboard for All Stages and Difficulties: Compete with the world on a leaderboard for all stages and difficulty levels.

Cloud Saving: Save your progress securely to the cloud and continue your adventure anywhere.

Note: Stage 1 is free to play. Stage 2 and beyond are available for a small payment.

Available Languages: English and Japanese.

Minimum System Requirements: RAM: 2GB or more.

Bug Fixes: Regular updates ensure a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience.

Discover the art of bullet dodging and weapon mastery in this dynamic and rewarding Bullet Hell shmup.

包名: 暂无

备案号: 未备案


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