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In FPS mode, master the art of bunny hops with Bhop Pro. Showcase your bhop prowess through impressive scores and durations. To execute successful bunny hops, maintain a continuous turn to the right or left while synchronously jumping. If you can truly master this, you'll be hailed as a 'bhop pro'. Experience the most realistic bunny hop game on iOS! Have you ever wanted to test your bhop skills on your iOS device?

Game Features

Bunny hop, a technique that amplifies speed through air strafing, requires careful movement management in the air to gain momentum while avoiding loss of control. Bhop Pro introduces you to easy bunny hop maps, ensuring a smooth start without the need for tutorials or tips. Although bunny hopping is easy to begin, mastering it is a challenge.

Game Highlights

New Deathrun Mode: Compete with friends in maps brimming with traps, perfect for testing your skills.

New Deathrun Mode Map - Pool: Dive into an immersive experience with this new map.

New Deathrun Mode Map - Survival: Test your endurance and survival skills in this challenging map.

Embark on your journey to become a bhop pro today!

包名: 暂无

备案号: 未备案


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