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软件标签 动作

A delightful medley of multiplayer barnyard mayhem, Hogwash promises to fill your heart with joy! Set against the clock, this vibrant, chaotic game pits one player against three in a thrilling team-based adventure. Will you support the clumsy farmhand in his quest to maintain cleanliness on the farm, or will you team up with the mischievous pigs to cause as much mud chaos as possible?

Game Features:

Engage in 3 vs 1 multiplayer matches for a unique competitive experience.

Take on the role of either the bumbling farmhand or the mischievous pigs, depending on your preference.

Compete against friends or challenge the computer in single-player mode.

Unlock a variety of fun outfits, from a unicorn pig to a bunny farmhand!

Immerse yourself in the charming, color-splashed visuals.

New Additions:

Invite friends to join the online multiplayer fun!

Improved touch controls for even more precise muckery!

Created by Bossa Studios, the creative geniuses behind Surgeon Simulator and I Am Bread, Hogwash is sure to deliver a generous helping of humor, a dollop of silliness, and plenty of mud-splattered fun! It's the perfect piggy playground for everyone, though only a mud-slinging maestro can master the game's myriad tricks!

包名: 暂无

备案号: 未备案


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