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软件标签 益智

Water Sort Puzzle: A Chromatic Challenge for Your Mind!

Dive into the captivating world of the Water Sort Puzzle, a thrilling and engrossing puzzle game that promises endless fun and addiction! Your mission is to meticulously sort the colorful waters within glasses, ensuring that all hues converge into a single glass. This game is not just challenging but also incredibly relaxing, offering a perfect brain workout. 🌟

How to Play

Tap any glass to pour water into another.

The key rule is that you can only transfer water if it's linked to the same color, and there's sufficient space in the receiving glass.

Avoid getting stuck, but fear not! You can always restart the level with a single tap.


One-finger Control: Effortless gameplay that's easy to learn and master.

Multiple Unique Levels: Each level presents a new challenge, keeping your mind engaged and entertained.

Free & Easy to Play: Dive into the game without any cost or complications.

No Penalties or Time Limits: Enjoy the game at your own pace, savoring every moment.

Regular Updates: We are committed to fixing bugs and adding more levels for your enjoyment.

Game Highlights

Immersive Visuals: Experience vibrant colors and a visually appealing game environment.

Engaging Soundtrack: Enhance your gaming experience with a soothing and engaging soundtrack.

Achievements and Rewards: Unlock new achievements as you progress, earning rewards along the way.

Social Sharing: Share your progress with friends and challenge them to beat your scores!

Join the Water Sort Puzzle community today and embark on a journey of color coordination and mental acuity! 🌈🔍

包名: 暂无

备案号: 未备案


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