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软件标签 手绘 模拟 生存

Welcome to Cozy Grove, an enchanting life-simulation game that invites you to embark on a camping adventure on a mysterious, ever-evolving island. As a Spirit Scout, you'll explore the island's enchanting forest each day, uncovering hidden secrets and offering comfort to the local spirits. With time and a penchant for crafting, you'll breathe new life and joy into Cozy Grove!

Game Features

Vibrant, Dynamic Hand-Drawn Landscapes: Bring the island to life as you help spirits in need, immersing yourself in beautifully hand-drawn landscapes that change with the seasons and your actions.

A Rich tapestry of Characters and Spirits: Meet a diverse cast of spirits and characters, each with their own unique stories waiting to be unraveled over time.

Spirit Animal Collection and Crafting: Adopt spirit animals, craft delightful decorations, go fishing, and much more to personalize your island paradise.

Endless Exploration and Storytelling: Enjoy months of gameplay as you delve into the island's narrative, beautify the landscape, and more, with numerous improvements and fixes ensuring a seamless experience.

Join Cozy Grove today and transform the island into a haven of wonder and whimsy!

包名: 暂无

备案号: 未备案


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