In the depths of an ancient forest, dinosaurs have emerged after decades of hiding. As a proud descendant of a renowned hunting family, you have dedicated yourself to honing your skills, striving to meet the expectations set by your father. The time has come to showcase your true prowess.
Game Highlights
21 Dazzling Weapons: Unleash a variety of weapons, each with its own unique style and capabilities.
24 Thrilling Boss Battles: Confront formidable adversaries and test your strategic thinking.
5 Distinctive Characters: Choose from five characters, each with specialized abilities that will aid you in your quest.
50 Intriguing Quests: Embark on a diverse array of quests, each with its own story and challenges.
32 Fierce Dinosaurs: Encounter a myriad of dinosaurs, each with its own set of fearsome traits.
50 Achievements: Earn recognition for your skill and determination with a range of achievements.
50 Craftable and Upgradable Items: Collect items to craft and upgrade your weapons, enhancing your combat effectiveness.
50 Customizable Skills: Select from an array of powerful skills to tailor your character's abilities.
Bug Fixes: Enjoy a seamless experience with regular updates and bug fixes.
UI Enhancements: Experience an intuitive and visually appealing user interface.
Now, step into the role of a modern-day hero and prove your worth in this prehistoric world. Prepare to embark on an epic journey filled with adventure and peril.
包名: 暂无
备案号: 未备案
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