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Mass Effect: Andromeda APEX HQ

Dive into the thrilling world of Mass Effect: Andromeda's multiplayer with APEX HQ, your ultimate hub for staying connected and enhancing your gaming experience! Customize your loadout, lead Strike Team missions, and keep track of your stats all outside of the game. Here’s what APEX HQ has to offer:

Feature Highlights


Unleash your creativity by swapping weapons, mods, and equipment for your character. Spend skill points strategically to craft your ideal loadout, ensuring you're ready for any multiplayer match at a moment's notice.


Stay ahead of the curve with the latest multiplayer news. Explore new missions and track the expiration dates of current ones to keep your gameplay fresh and exciting.


Keep tabs on your progress with a detailed overview of unlocked items, challenges, and your rankings on global leaderboards and among friends. Track your growth and strive for the top.


Recruit and lead Strike Teams directly from the app. Embark on perilous missions and earn rewards that can be used in-game. Your strategic decisions and team leadership are key to success!

Note: APEX HQ requires acceptance of EA’s Privacy & Cookie Policy and User Agreement. Visit terms.ea.com for more information.

Hello, Andromeda community! We’re thrilled to announce further improvements to enhance your APEX HQ experience. Your feedback is invaluable, so please share your thoughts using the Feedback button in the app. Thanks for playing and for making APEX HQ the ultimate companion to your Mass Effect: Andromeda adventures!

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