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软件标签 休闲 可爱 卖萌

Have you ever dreamed of having a cute face on your phone or tablet, one you could playfully poke or squeeze? Well, now you can! :DOuO is a delightful kawaii face app that invites you to engage with its charming character through your touch screen. Simply poke its eyes for a playful wink, tap its forehead for a gentle pat, or squeeze its cheeks for a tender squeeze—it's all up to you! And if you choose to simply observe, OuO will entertain you with its adorable expressions. Plus, with a tap on your device's menu button, you'll access a treasure trove of options, including an animated quick guide and additional settings to explore.

But that's not all! OuO has a mood indicator that reflects its current state. It can show its anger if you poke its eyes repeatedly, but a soothing rub on the head will quickly mend that. This mood affects the range of expressions and reactions it offers. It's a simple app, yet it's packed with fun!

Game Features

Interactive Play: Engage with OuO by touching the screen, from poking eyes to squeezing cheeks.

Cute Expressions: Watch as OuO displays an array of adorable faces.

Mood Indicator: Observe and interact with OuO's mood to influence its reactions.

Customizable Options: Personalize your experience with various settings and an animated quick guide.

Game Highlights

Quick Access Menu: easily navigate through options with a simple tap on your device's menu button.

Mood Affecting Interactions: Change OuO's mood by how you interact with it, leading to different expressions.

Developing App: The app is still evolving, with new features and improvements on the horizon.

Special shoutout to Mike Inel for creating the original OuO for iOS, which inspired this fantastic Android version! Remember, this app is a work in progress, so if you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, feel free to leave a comment.

In the latest update, version 1.3b, we've introduced an on-screen options button for devices without a physical menu button. Version 1.3 brings new features like tilting to wink, a face selection menu, and more! OuO now reacts to being left idle and picked up again, as well as when plugged into a power source. We've also added a sleep prevention mode, the ability to manually modify the mood bar, and changed the shake behavior to require a longer, more vigorous shake. Plus, settings are now retained after closing the app. Enjoy the fun and keep the feedback coming!

包名: 暂无

备案号: 未备案


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