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软件标签 动作 格斗 角色扮演

The once serene town of Hamsterdam now teeters on the brink of chaos! The malevolent chinchilla, Marlo, and his relentless Vermin Gang have turned the streets into battlegrounds. Embark on an intense journey through the perilous alleys of Hamsterdam, where you'll need to swing, swipe, and strike your way to victory. Immerse yourself in the heart-pounding action, master rhythm-based combos, and become one with the legendary art of Hamster-Fu.

Game Highlights

Multilingual Mastery: Pimm, the game's protagonist, boasts the remarkable ability to converse in 12 different languages!

Language Support: The latest update now includes support for Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Polish, Russian, Japanese, and Korean, ensuring that players from around the world can fully enjoy the experience.

Responsive Gameplay: The improved responsiveness of the swipe counters ensures a seamless and intuitive gameplay experience.

Performance Enhancements: We've fine-tuned the game's performance for a smoother and more enjoyable playthrough.

Bug Fixes: A minor issue with achievement icons has been resolved, ensuring a glitch-free experience.

Device Compatibility: We've expanded our compatibility testing to cover more edge cases, ensuring that Hamsterdam can be enjoyed on a wider range of devices.

Dive into the action and discover the secrets hidden within Hamsterdam's dangerous underbelly. With its unique blend of rhythm-based combat and a richly detailed world, Hamsterdam offers an unforgettable experience for all players.

包名: 暂无

备案号: 未备案


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