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软件标签 科技感 催泪 单机

Dive into a vibrant, neon-laden racing adventure as you navigate through a captivating, story-driven experience. DATA WINGs swiftly deliver crucial data throughout the computer system, unwaveringly adhering to Mother's commands. However, when the system faces an attack and Mother becomes irrational, it's time for action!

Master intuitive two-touch controls that offer an arcade-like experience.

Thrill to sleek racing action with a special emphasis on wall-banging.

Immerse yourself in a gripping two-hour story that spans over 40 challenging levels.

Compete with a crown system, where you can claim your favorite courses and climb the leaderboards!

Enjoy an exceptional soundtrack crafted by world-class producers, featuring tracks from luxury elite, 18 Carat Affair, ESPRIT 空想, t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者, Eyeliner, and NxxxxxS.

"An incredibly stylish 2D racer" - Touch Arcade

DATA WING is a labor of love by Dan Vogt, a 15-year veteran of the gaming industry. In addition to the recent updates, here's what you can expect:

Game Features:

Dynamic Power-Ups: Enhance your racing experience with various power-ups that can turn the tide in a heartbeat.

Customization: Personalize your DATA WING with unique skins and upgrades.

Multiplayer: Compete with friends locally or online in thrilling races.

Game Highlights:

Challenging Puzzles: Solve intricate puzzles to unlock hidden paths and secrets.

Innovative Storytelling: Experience a narrative that intertwines with the racing action, keeping you engaged from start to finish.

Aesthetic Appeal: The game boasts a visually stunning 2D art style that will captivate you from the moment you start playing.

Game Tips:

Practice Makes Perfect: Spend time mastering the controls and learning the tracks to improve your racing skills.

Strategy is Key: Use the environment to your advantage by boosting off walls and utilizing power-ups wisely.

Stay Focused: The game can be challenging, so stay calm and focused to overcome obstacles and achieve victory.

Updates and Fixes:

Data Loss Issue: We've resolved an issue with save files losing data in European cultures.

Level Access: Fixed an issue with levels being inaccessible in the level select.

Unity Update: DATA WING has been migrated to a modern version of Unity. Please report any visual or audio anomalies you may encounter.

We hope you enjoy these updates! Mother remains indifferent to the whole affair, but we're committed to providing you with the best gaming experience possible.

包名: 暂无

备案号: 未备案


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