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软件标签 策略 桌游

Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization is a strategic board game adaptation that has been meticulously transformed into a captivating digital experience. The game simplifies and integrates various elements of civilization, challenging players to navigate through three eras across nearly 20 turns. In this epic journey, players are tasked with recruiting legendary figures, constructing wonders, developing infrastructure, training armies, expanding colonies, and meticulously managing their civilization's progress across a multitude of sectors, including science, culture, agriculture, industry, government, military, and happiness. The game also prepares players for the unforeseen, with a series of future events, ensuring they are always ready to wage war or defend their realm. In multiplayer settings, diplomacy takes center stage as players forge alliances and sign treaties.

Added the option to adjust the frame rate (FPS)

Fixed an issue with the unique ability of Alexander and Katherine

Addressed low-resolution data issues on some devices

Other minor fixes and improvements

Game Features

Rich Historical Depth: Experience the rise and fall of empires across three distinct eras, each with its unique historical flavor and challenges.

Strategic Depth: Master the art of resource management, diplomacy, and military strategy to dominate the battlefield and secure your place in history.

Legends and Wonders: Recruit legendary figures and construct wonders to bolster your civilization's power and prestige.

Dynamic Diplomacy: Forge alliances and engage in intricate diplomacy with other players to shape the course of the game.

Adaptive Gameplay: Adjust the difficulty and playstyle to suit your preferences, whether you prefer a quick, action-packed game or a more methodical approach.

包名: 暂无

备案号: 未备案


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