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软件标签 商城



宜家目前配送到超过二百个城市, 运费9.9元/包裹起。


IKEA, founded in Sweden, is a global home furnishing retailer with the vision “to create a better everyday life for the many people”.

Via the new IKEA App, you can shop through more than 9000 products and get the latest promotions. Moreover, inspiration and solutions about home furnishing are always available here. We provide various styles, products and solutions that correspond to your needs.

Now, IKEA’s delivery service has covered more than 200 cities in China. Freight fees starting at 9.90 RMB/parcel.

This mobile app (“App”) is operated the IKEA E-Commerce (China) Co., Ltd. serving IKEA users in the Mainland China only.

1. 小宜的会员中心全面升级啦:查询更快捷、信息更丰富。快去[我的]看看吧~

2. 小宜的搜索关键词也支持英文啦,摇身一变international宜,快去试试吧~

包名: com.ingka.ikea.app.cn.prod

备案号: 沪ICP备17055232号-5A


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