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软件标签 股票 投资 理财工具

Disclaimer: 360 Mobile Assistant serves as an information dissemination platform and does not assume responsibility for the authenticity and accuracy of financial product information provided by third parties. We do not offer investment, financial planning, or loan services. There is no relationship between 360 Mobile Assistant and financial products, and no warranties or commitments are implied. We remind users to remain vigilant about risk when using such applications and to never disclose sensitive information such as ID numbers, bank card passwords, or verification codes to third parties. Should you engage in investment, financial planning, or loan activities through third-party websites or applications accessed via 360 Mobile Assistant and incur losses as a result, 360 Mobile Assistant assumes no liability.

Interactive E App: Developed by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Interactive E App is a one-stop hub for listed company information. It encompasses company announcements, investor relations information, and interactive communications between investors and company executives. Users can directly ask questions to listed companies, access comprehensive and authoritative interactive Q&A sessions, company announcements, detailed company information, and the voices of the companies, aiding in a better understanding of listed companies.

Key Features:

Application Features

Interactive Q&A: We guarantee that all your questions will receive timely and authoritative responses from listed companies; professional questions meet with professional answers.

Company Announcements: Structured presentation of summaries and full texts, allowing for a systematic understanding of the latest developments within listed companies.

Investor Relations Information: Publicly disclosed institutional research records, insights into research methodologies, and the opportunity to learn professional investment philosophies.

Listening to the Company's Voice: Gain access to information released by listed companies independently.

Company, Investor, and Interactive Rankings: Stay informed about hot topics and trends.

Follow the listed companies and professional investors you are interested in, and customize personalized information.

Recent Updates:

Translation API Integration for Interactive Q&A Content: In an English-speaking environment, the app now utilizes a translation API to provide translations for interactive Q&A content.

New Feature: Market Information Disclosure: Added market information disclosure to keep users updated with the latest market trends.

Optimized Home and Settings Pages: The home and settings pages have been refined for improved user experience.

Bug Fixes and Page Optimizations: Addressed certain bugs and made additional page optimizations to enhance the overall functionality of the app.

包名: cninfo.irm.mobile

备案号: 粤ICP备05012689号-5A


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