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Core Features

Introducing the cutting-edge Chinese-English Translator that revolutionizes language translation with its smart photo and voice translation capabilities. Experience accurate context-aware translations, making it a must-have for travelers, business professionals, and language learners alike. Download now and embark on a seamless language journey!

Text Translation: Our translator specializes in Chinese-English translations, understanding the nuances of Chinese language habits. With its superior context understanding, it delivers translations with a single tap, ensuring quick and accurate output of translated text.

Photo Translation: Capture the moment with our innovative photo translation feature. Instantly recognize and translate text from photos, or simply select an image from your gallery to translate its content without typing a single word.

Voice Translation: Utilize our advanced voice recognition technology with high-resolution human voice recognition to convert spoken content into text and translate it into your desired language.

Translation Favorites: Save your translation results with a single click for easy access and review. This feature is perfect for efficient vocabulary building and learning foreign languages with ease.

Download the Chinese-English Translator App Now and say goodbye to language barriers, no matter where you are. It's time to embrace the convenience and power of accurate translation!

包名: com.cnlanguage.toen

备案号: 粤ICP备2022064226号-2A


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