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This advanced English translation software supports over a hundred languages, catering to various needs including academic translation, professional work, travel, and international travel. With its robust algorithm, it offers an array of features such as photo translation and voice translation, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience.


Photo Translation: Utilizing OCR technology, the camera can quickly capture and translate words or phrases from English, Japanese, and more, without the need for manual input. This feature is perfect for international travel, trips, tourism, and language learning.

Real-time Translation: Experience instant voice translation that works as you speak, supporting Chinese, English, Japanese, and Cantonese. This real-time feature makes communication effortless across languages.

Practical Phrases: The app covers practical phrases in English, Japanese, Korean, and Russian, with offline pronunciation support, ensuring worry-free travel across borders.

We have also addressed issues from the previous version to enhance user experience.

包名: com.juhe.fanyi

备案号: 浙ICP备19039971号-6A


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