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软件标签 小学堂 唐诗 图书馆


Experience the magic of storytelling with our bilingual children's book app, designed to engage your little ones with two delightful stories each night. Our app offers a rich collection of American-levelled, educational, and entertaining English picture books, aimed at fostering a comprehensive development in areas such as creative imagination, scientific thinking, emotional intelligence, habit formation, and reading initiation.

Content Richness

With an extensive library of premium, high-definition, and engaging English picture books, our app includes a variety of formats such as audio books, listening English picture books, the廖彩杏booklist, the Oxford Reading Tree, the Heinemann Leveled Reading, the Random House English Level Reading, ABC Reading, and RAZ English启蒙绘本等等.

Graded Reading

Our app focuses on American graded reading, specifically designed to ignite reading skills in young children. It offers popular English graded reading programs like the廖彩杏booklist, the Oxford Reading Tree, the Heinemann Leveled Reading, the Random House English Level Reading, RAZ AA Level, I AM series, the Dinosaurs at Home series, Dr. Seuss series, the If You Give series, and more.

Entertaining Environment

Immerse your child in a captivating English picture book reading experience with synchronized music, pictures, and sound. Our stories are perfect for bedtime, providing a fun way to initiate English learning.

Multi-Version Audio

Our audio books feature multiple versions of audio, allowing for reading along, English pronunciation practice, song启蒙, and accompaniment music.

Bilingual Picture Books

Our bilingual audio books include Chinese translations, making it easier for young learners to自主 learn English.

Comprehensive Features

The automatic page turn feature is ideal for bedtime stories, while the single-page loop is perfect for in-depth reading. The bookmark feature allows children to continue their graded reading journey seamlessly. The app is compatible with Android 11 and includes a reporting feature.

How to Use

Select a Story: Choose from a wide range of stories tailored to your child's age and interest.

Listen and Engage: Listen to the stories with synchronized music and pictures to create an immersive experience.

Read Along: Use the auto-page turn feature for bedtime stories or the single-page loop for detailed reading.

Practice Pronunciation: Follow along with the audio to practice English pronunciation.

Track Progress: Use the bookmark feature to keep track of your child's reading progress.

Report Issues: Use the reporting feature to alert us of any issues for continuous improvement.

包名: com.cssqyuejia.chineseandenglishbook

备案号: 湘ICP备19019343号-11A


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