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软件标签 英音

The English Pronunciation App is a specialized mobile application meticulously designed for individuals aspiring to master the English language. It is dedicated to facilitating an effortless acquisition of the correct English phonetic symbols. This software offers a comprehensive collection of the forty-eight International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols, meticulously categorized into long vowels, short vowels, diphthongs, voiceless consonants, and voiced consonants, thereby enabling users to gain an in-depth understanding of all phonetic knowledge.

Additionally, the app provides pronunciation techniques and secrets, allowing users to easily grasp the art of pronunciation by reading detailed explanations and step-by-step instructions. This ensures that learners' pronunciation is as accurate and pure as possible.

Application Features

Clear View of Vowel and Consonant Symbols: Users can easily browse and grasp the content of phonetic symbols.

Effortless Pronunciation: With an extensive library of detailed phonetic explanations, users can master pronunciation techniques effortlessly.

Real-time Access to Pronunciation Rules: The app offers a vast array of rules for users to explore.

Easy Access to Pronunciation Content: Users can acquire more knowledge with ease.

Simple and Clear Phonetic Learning: The app assists users in mastering the international standard phonetic symbols.

Rich Pronunciation Explanation Content: This includes methods, secrets, and rules.

How to Use

Choose Pronunciation Rules: Quickly access rule information by selecting the desired option.

View All Phonetic Symbols and Their Conditions: Browse pronunciation methods by clicking on the relevant icons.

Detailed Categorization: Clearly see all categories and their information.

Easy Access to Phonetic Symbol Conditions: Understand the content and methods of phonetic pronunciation.

Detailed Pronunciation Tutorials: Learn to pronounce by following the provided text tutorials.

Select and View Detailed Explanations: Instantly access detailed explanations of any chosen phonetic symbol.

Update Log (v0.1.6)

Resolved Some Phonetic Pronunciation Issues: The app now offers improved accuracy in phonetic pronunciation.

Compatibility with Android Q (Android 10.0): The app is now fully compatible with the latest Android operating system.

Enhanced User Experience: The app has been updated to provide an even better user experience.

包名: qqh.xhm.yinbiao

备案号: 未备案


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