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软件标签 Dru
Dru for Mac - Graphic Design Tool

Dru for Mac: A Versatile Graphic Design Tool for Mac Users

Dru for Mac is a compact and user-friendly graphic design tool designed specifically for Mac users. With just a few clicks, you can create stunning flat graphics such as brochures, letters, fillable forms, icons, rapid prototype designs, HTML elements, and other graphic components. The software supports a wide range of file formats, including PDF, SVG, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PSD, and more.

Software Features

1. Smart shapes, including polygon and star tools, are available for precise design.

2. Shadow and effect tools enable the application of shadows and filter effects to vector and grouped objects.


3. Shape tools provide functionalities to create new shapes from two different shapes. They also support shape trimming, combination, union路口, cutout, outline, exclusion, and bevel.

4. The text editor offers a focused text editing experience for users.

5. Text to shape functionality allows text objects to be converted into shape outlines.

6. The table tool enables the creation of fillable PDF forms.

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备案号: 未备案


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