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软件标签 PDFpenPro
PDFpenPro for Mac - Overview

PDFpenPro for Mac - A Versatile PDF Editing Tool

PDFpenPro for Mac is an excellent tool for modifying and editing PDF files on the Mac OS platform. It is an enhanced version of Preview and TextEdit combined, offering a simple and convenient user experience with a clear and straightforward interface.

Software Features

- Added text-to-speech support

- Improved functionality for modifying and saving, particularly for large or complex PDF files

- Enhanced search performance

- Improved VoiceOver support for filling text fields

- Improved accessibility of several user interface elements

- Enhanced performance for splitting PDF scripts

- Added option to skip form field creation alerts (PDFpenPro only)

- Added preference to restore all disabled alerts

- Added owner password, AppleScript support for permissions, and selected pages

- Other fixes and improvements


包名: 暂无

备案号: 未备案


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