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Tesseract OCR

Tesseract OCR下载

大小:47.8MB 更新:2017-07-15

Tesseract OCR Official Version

Tesseract OCR Official Version

Tesseract OCR is a highly professional image recognition software capable of converting images into text information through a command-line tool. Its powerful functionality makes it an essential tool for anyone in need; feel free to download and use it!

Software Features

1. Tesseract OCR can handle not only simple text but also recognize a variety of languages and complex typesetting, including italicized text and serif fonts.

2. To enhance recognition accuracy, Tesseract OCR offers various optimization options, such as whether to recognize italicized text, ignore specific characters, or recognize specific characters.

3. Users can further customize the OCR engine to meet specific needs by editing dictionaries or adding their own training data.

Installation Steps

1. Download the latest installation package from this site and follow the prompts to install.

Tesseract OCR

2. Once the installation is complete, you can start using Tesseract OCR.

Tesseract OCR

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