当前位置: 首页 > 电脑软件 > FTP工具 > FlashFXPv5.4.0.3970下载


大小:7.69MB 更新:2016-11-13

FlashFXP FTP Software Overview

FlashFXP: A Powerful FTP Software Solution

FlashFXP is a robust FXP/FTP software that combines the strengths of other excellent FTP applications. It offers features like folder comparison, color-coded text display, multi-folder file selection, caching capabilities, and a user interface similar to LeapFTP, much like CuteFTP.

Software Features

Supports uploading, downloading, and third-party file resuming.

Can skip specified file types, transferring only the necessary files.

Customizable color display for different file types.

Can cache remote folder listings.

Supports FTP proxy and Socks 3 & 4.

Has a feature to avoid idle timeout, preventing being kicked out of a site.

Can display or hide "hidden" files and folders.

Supports passive mode for each site.

The full installation package includes the main program, Readme file, help files, SSL security encryption plugin, and uninstaller.

Installation Steps

1. Download the latest installation package from this site and follow the prompts to install.


2. Once the installation is complete, you can start using FlashFXP.


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