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Auto FTP Manager

Auto FTP Manager下载

大小:16506.88 更新:2016-10-28

Auto FTP Manager Official Version

Auto FTP Manager Official Version

Auto FTP Manager is a powerful FTP client software that enables you to establish connections with any FTP server and automate file transfers, as well as manage files on the FTP server.

Software Features

File transfer automation:

Move files between: PC and FTP server, PC to PC, FTP server to FTP server.

Schedule file transfers hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly.

Select "Operation Rules" to choose files to copy, move, or delete.

The file transfer scheduler runs as a window task service.

Automatically transfer files based on their names, modification dates, sizes, or file types.

Control Auto FTP Manager via a command-line interface.

Execute scheduled tasks in the background.

Resume interrupted transfers.


Secure file transfers:

Use file transfer protocol (FTP) to transfer files.

Support secure use of FTPS via SSL connections.

Create personal configuration profiles for each FTP server.

Transfer files to multiple servers simultaneously.


Easy file management:

Delete, rename, copy files to your computer and server within the program.

Synchronize two directories and transfer only modified files.


Change UNIX-style file attributes.

Full control transfer.

Add multiple files to the transfer queue.

Set priorities.

View the status of each file individually.


Preview transfer operations.

Record actions performed on your FTP server and save them for replay later.

Save logs locally or on an FTP server, or send them to any address.

Record detailed logs of all actions.

Installation Steps

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