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大小:12.3MB 更新:2016-11-06

TextPad - A Powerful Text Editor

TextPad: A Compact Yet Robust Text Processing Software

TextPad is a lightweight yet feature-rich text processing software that can cater to almost all your needs. It offers a comprehensive set of configuration options, placing full control in your hands, and is even designed to function as a standalone web editor.

Software Features

1. Multi-document operation, drag-and-drop support, unlimited document size, and unlimited undo operations.

2. Support for Chinese double-byte characters, syntax highlighting, spell checking, and easy macro functionality.

3. Powerful find and replace, regular expressions, rich editing features, and simple formatting options.

4. Unique block operations, convenient workspace management.

5. A very comprehensive set of configuration options, with full control in your hands.

Installation Steps

1. Download the latest installation package from this site and follow the prompts to install.


2. Once the installation is complete, you can start using TextPad.


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