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大小:2.38MB 更新:2016-10-17

RIOT Image Optimizer

RIOT - Image Optimizer

RIOT is an image optimization tool that allows you to shrink image file sizes through compression and optimization, achieving smaller file sizes while maintaining sufficient image quality. You can set your desired image quality, format, and preview the results instantly before saving in JPG or GIF formats.

Software Features

1. Supports a wide range of image formats, making it possible to optimize even less commonly used image formats.

2. The interface is simple and easy to operate. Although it is in English, the process is straightforward: open, adjust, and save.

3. Supports batch processing. Simply click the “Batch” button to enable this feature.

4. Can remove metadata, which can also help reduce the size of the image.

5. Offers rotation, inversion, adjustment of contrast, and brightness.

6. Can be used as a plugin for popular image viewers. If you are using Gimp, irfanview, or xnview, you can download compatible plugins from the official website.

Installation Steps

This is a software that does not require installation. Simply double-click the downloaded .exe file to open the software.

Installation screenshot

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