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大小:36.7MB 更新:2016-10-19

Safari 4 Browser Overview

Safari 4: The Fastest Browser for Windows

Safari 4 is a browser designed for Windows that offers unparalleled speed, boasting webpage loading speeds twice as fast as Internet Explorer 7. It is fully compatible with Simplified Chinese interfaces and comes with numerous new enhancements.

Software Features

  • Integrated Google search functionality within the user interface, allowing for quick and convenient searches using the most popular web search engines.
  • SnapBack, a unique feature of Safari, enables users to quickly return to the Google search results or the previous website after browsing through multiple links from any website.
  • Renaming bookmarks, which helps users rename complex website names easily and quickly to shorter names more suitable for bookmarks.
  • Bookmark library, a powerful single-window interface akin to Apple's popular iTunes and iPhoto applications, making the organization and management of bookmarks extremely simple and convenient.
  • Pop-up blocker that automatically blocks intrusive advertisements.
  • Address book integration that automatically adds all websites listed in the user's address book contact database to the Safari bookmark library, including personal websites.
  • Extensive support for existing industry standards, such as HTML, XHTML 1.0, DOM, CSS, SSL, JavaScript, and Netscape-style plugins, such as those using MPEG-4, Flash, Shockwave, and Real's QuickTime.
  • Simplified download process that automatically handles disk images, file decompression, MacBinary, and BinHex conversions, allowing for easy downloading and installation of files and applications without requiring additional files on the desktop.
  • The best rendering engine based on KHTML, sourced from KDE's Konqueror open-source program. Apple has made significant improvements to this program, further promoting the open-source application.

Installation Steps

  1. Download the latest installation package from this site and follow the prompts to install.
  2. Safari 4
  3. Once the installation is complete, you can start using Safari 4.
  4. Safari 4

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