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大小:22.1 MB 更新:2024-01-10

BetterZip - Mac's Favorite File Compression Tool

BetterZip: Mac's Most Popular File Compression/Decompression Tool

BetterZip is one of the most popular file "unzip/compress" tools on the Mac platform and can generate archives supported by Windows.


(1) Creation and Update

BetterZip can create archives in the following formats: ZIP, TAR, TGZ, TBZ, TXZ, 7-ZIP, XAR, using external command-line utilities. It allows BetterZip to remove specific Mac files from archives, so they look and behave well on Windows.

(2) Opening and Extracting

BetterZip can currently open and extract over 30 archive formats, including: ZIP, TAR, TGZ, TBZ, TXZ, 7-ZIP, RAR, Apple disk images (DMG), TNEF (winmail.dat), ARJ, LHA, LZH, ISO, CHM, CAB, CPIO / CPGZ, DEB, RPM, StuffIt's SIT and SITX, BinHex, MacBinary, ePub, JAR / WAR / EAR / SAR / PAR / WSR Java archives, CBZ / CBR e-books, GZip, BZip2, WIM.

Software Features

BetterZip Features

(1) Data Protection

Protect your data with powerful AES-256 encryption.

BetterZip's password manager can collect archive password lists in your Keychain and automatically use them when opening encrypted archives.

(2) Finder Integration

BetterZip allows you to add configurable services to the macOS service menu, accessible via the new Finder extension's toolbar.

(3) Presets

BetterZip allows you to create presets to create and extract archives. Presets collect all settings applicable to archives, from target folder and archive format conversion to passwords, and even scripts to be executed after the operation is completed.

(4) Filtering

BetterZip can filter out unnecessary files during the archive extraction process. Say goodbye to Thumbs.db and other system files that are not needed! It can also prevent files from being added to your archive first. You don't want hidden version control folders or backup files in your archive.

(5) Extensive AppleScript Support

BetterZip can use AppleScript to write scripts, integrating them into your workflow.

Installation Steps

Installation Steps

Download the latest installer package from this site.

Follow the prompts to install, and you're ready to use it after installation.

Installation Steps

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