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大小:4455KB 更新:2023-11-26

Mate Translate - Multi-language Translation Tool

Mate Translate is a powerful multi-language translation tool designed to facilitate language translation and communication.

Mate Translate Logo

Mate Translate supports the translation between over 100 languages, covering major languages globally, enabling users to communicate across languages effortlessly.

Convenient and Practical: The software features a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for users to quickly find and obtain translation results, thus enhancing work and study efficiency.

Word Translation and Voice Translation: Mate Translate offers both word translation and voice input translation, allowing users to choose the translation method that suits them best and is practical.

Offline Translation: The offline translation feature of the software allows for translation without an internet connection, making it ideal for traveling and other scenarios without network access.

Dictionary and Phrasebook: The software includes a rich dictionary and phrasebook, enabling users to gain a deeper understanding of word meanings and usage, enhancing language proficiency.

Software Features

Software Features

Real-time Translation

Real-time Translation: Mate Translate can translate any text, sentence, or word from one language to another in real-time, supporting the translation between over 100 languages.

Word Translation: The software supports word translation, where users can quickly obtain translation results by selecting the text they need to translate without copying and pasting.

Voice Translation: Users can input text through voice translation, and Mate Translate will convert the voice to text and then translate it.

Offline Translation: The software supports offline translation, allowing users to download language packages and translate without an internet connection.

Dictionary and Phrases: The software includes a powerful dictionary and phrasebook, where users can find word meanings, synonyms, and examples to better understand and use language.

Screen Translation: Mate Translate also offers screen translation, which can translate text or images on the screen, making it convenient to read and understand content in other languages.

Additional Software Features

Installation Steps

Download Installation Package

After downloading the installation package from this site:

Double-click to run the software and wait for the process to complete.

Running the Software Software Ready for Use

Once the process is complete, you can start using the software.

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