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大小:2.3 MB 更新:2022-08-13


For a significant portion of users, dealing with English software can be a daunting task. However, the Software Translator comes to the rescue, offering a highly efficient program interface translation tool. It supports screenshot translation and click-to-translate functions, making it easier for users with limited English proficiency to navigate and utilize the software effectively.

Key Features:

Click-to-Translate: Drag the specific icon to the desired area within the program to quickly translate that portion of the content.

Overall Translation: Place the computer mouse over the program title (press Ctrl + Q) to initiate overall content identification and translation.

Screenshot Translation: The tool offers screenshot translation functionality.

Text Input Translation: Users can input text to be translated.

How to Use:

Drag and Drop: To translate a dialog box, simply drag the icon onto the required area and release it.

Overall Translation: Place the computer mouse over the program title and press Ctrl + Q to initiate overall translation.

Translation Identification: To identify and translate specific content, drag the icon to the desired area within the program.

Software Q&A:

The Software Translator currently supports bidirectional translation between English and Chinese.

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