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大小:853 KB 更新:2022-08-13


This English window translation program is a cutting-edge dialogue translation software capable of providing real-time translation for English text displayed in dialog boxes on your desktop. It simply alters the displayed information without any modifications to the original program or document, allowing for immediate translation at any time!

Application Features

Non-Invasive: The program modifies only the displayed information, ensuring that the original program or document remains unchanged.

Real-Time Translation: Translate text in dialog boxes instantly, enhancing user experience and productivity.

User-Friendly Interface: The translation process is straightforward and intuitive, requiring minimal technical knowledge.

How to Use

Select the Dialogue Box: Begin by selecting the dialogue box that contains the English text you wish to translate.

Perform the Translation: Press the F2 key to initiate the translation process.

Review the Translation: Once the translation is complete, you can review the translated text within the original dialogue box.

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