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大小:800 KB 更新:2022-08-31


The English Name Generator software, tailored to Chinese names, gender, and aspirations, intelligently generates a selection of dozens of excellent names for clients to choose from. This versatile tool is suitable for both babies and adults seeking English names. While its capabilities may not be exceptionally robust, it does offer the advantage of being completely free of charge.

Application Features

The software utilizes advanced algorithms to analyze the user's preferences and generate a list of names that align with their cultural background and personal wishes. This ensures that the suggested names are not only appropriate but also resonate with the user's identity.

How to Use

Input Your Details: Begin by entering your Chinese name, selecting your gender, and specifying any particular aspirations or preferences you have for your English name.

Generate Names: Click the 'Generate' button to receive a variety of name suggestions based on your input.

Review and Choose: Browse through the list of names and select the one that best suits your taste and personality.

Save or Share: Once you've found the perfect name, you can save it for future reference or share it directly with others.

Remember, the English Name Generator is a free and convenient resource that can help you find a name that reflects your unique identity and aspirations.

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